Alternative Plans
Both the City of Houston and the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) have proposed alternatives to the North Houston Highway Improvement Plan (NHHIP). Both entities acknowledge that highways alone will never serve the needs of a growing Houston, and both agree that equitable public transit is needed to serve the needs of the community.
City of Houston’s Complete Streets and Transit Report
The City is following a Complete Streets plan to provide safe, accessible and convenient use by motorists, public transit riders, pedestrians, people of all abilities and bicyclists.
This report shows the City's progress on walking, biking, transit, vision zero, community engagement, and more. Although we would like the City to take a stronger stance on the NHHIP, we applaud the achievements that are showcased in this report.
H-GAC High Capacity Transit Task Force
July 2019
"With an anticipated addition of 4.2 million people and 1.6 million jobs by the year 2045, the eight-county Houston-Galveston region will see an influx of millions of additional trips on its transportation network. The construction of new and ever-wider highways cannot by itself support this expected growth, nor will a “highway only” mobility solution adequately serve all the travel needs of such a geographically, economically, demographically and culturally diverse region. Even if possible and affordable, a “highway only” solution would require three times the number of highway lane miles as exist today."